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Tiffany Favors

Tiffany Favors is One Of Kind. She is a devoted wife and mother of five beautiful children, Her love for God has compelled her to answer the call to ministry that has brought a burning desire to commit to being about the Father’s Business as she does this by spreading Gods Love. In 2019 ‘’Lady T’’ began to embrace the sound of her voice through speaking , writing , and hosting daily words by way of social media ‘’Facebook , Instagram, TikTok , Youtube , where believers from all over the world are able to tune in for practical teaching, prayer, and empowerment through the word of God. Her journey has allowed her to become an author and CEO of Tiffany Favors LLC and OwnUrTruth, INC. NON PROFIT. As a serialpreneur she has launch - “OwnUrTruth, Journaling Through The Journey” - “OwnUrTruth: 30-Day Devotional For Single Moms” - “OwnUrTruth: Writing Journal” As a Minister of the Gospel, Chaplain, and a Life Coach who has been called to impact all Nations. Favors story of deliverance from Trauma, Rejection, single-parenting along with so much more, created the space for God to use her in a mighty way by (SOUND) . She has become a strong advocate for using Your Voice. Whether it’s utilizing your voice in prayer, warring, singing or vocalizing testimonials. She lives by the model (Get It Out) Her #1 goal is to shift generations , empower believers throughout the world with the Truth, that your life is nothing without God.


Everything In Life That Has Happened, Was For Your Good!

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